Why Use Custom Reusable Grocery Bags? May 4, 2021 08:00

 reusable shopping bags

Disposable, plastic shopping bags are used all over Australia. The average Australian uses six plastic grocery bags per week. For over 25 million people in Australia, this equates to almost 150 million bags thrown away daily. 

Marketing experts and sustainable environment advocates at Direct Appliance Rentals support the use of reusable bags in Australia. Head of corporate social responsibility department  Karina Wolfin says, "Customers are gradually purchasing and bringing their reusable bags to the market to transport their purchases home.  Although reusable shopping bags in Australia are quite costly upfront, they have numerous advantages, especially when it comes to reducing plastic bag waste and the detrimental consequences of plastic on the environmental conditions." 

If it isn't enough to persuade you to use reusable shopping bags, read on: 

Conserve Natural Resources

Despite their compact size and light weight, plastic bags have a far more significant environmental impact than you would think, starting from the resources used to manufacture them. According to Waste Management Northwest, 12 million gallons of oil are used to make disposable plastic shopping bags. SPREP.org estimates that with the same fuel volume as it costs to make 14 disposable plastic bags, you can reach one mile driving a car. 

Reduce Pollution

Plastic bags take 15 to 1,000 years to degrade, and many of these end up in lakes, ponds, and oceans. Only about 1% of the 100 billion disposable shopping bags used in Australia are recycled annually, causing a significant pollution level. 

Decrease Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Reusable bags can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially those manufactured from recycled materials. The environment wins as reusable shopping bags are produced from natural products such as cotton, bamboo, or jute. These plants are easy to grow and do not release toxic substances. For instance,  cotton fibre can be extracted without destroying the entire plant, allowing continuous oxygen production and re-harvest. 


Although reusable shopping bags are pretty costly, you can use them for years. Compared to buying plastic shopping bags every time you go out for groceries, reusable shopping bags are more cost-effective.   Whenever it gets dirty, it can easily be washed and reused. These bags are durable and can be used on several shopping trips over time. Plus, it can even hold even more weight than disposable bags. 

Reusable Bags are Convenient and Durable

Perhaps everyone had experienced the scenario where the grocery bagger packs so many bulky goods into one bag. When you pick it up, what tends to happen? Well, before it reaches your house, the handles snaps or the sharp edges of your box of cereal pierce the bag's thin side. Grocery totes are far more durable since they are designed to be reused. There are also laminated shopping totes available for added durability.

Custom Totes are Fashionable

Many stores and retailers offer reusable customised shopping bags at their counters throughout Australia to inspire you to shift to reusable. Plus, these shopping bags come with some fantastic designs. Compared to a conventional plastic shopping bag, these chic cloth shopping bags get a lot of style and appeal. Why don't you give it a try? 

Multi-use Shopping Bags are Easy to Store

Compared to single-use disposable plastic shopping bags that may clutter around your yard when not properly disposed of, multi-use shopping bags are easy to store. Pack-away shopping bag is a term used to describe shopping bags made for easy and fold-up flat storage. These shopping bags easily keep that they fit easy-access areas such as car trunks and front door closets. 

There's More To Reusable Shopping Bags Than For Groceries 

The use of a durable and stylish reusable shopping bag isn't limited to grocery shopping alone.  Reusable shopping totes are handy when you go on day trips, carry your stuff to work, going to the gym, and more. Use your custom reusable shopping bags for get-togethers with buddies or beach vacations! 

You Can Earn Discounts or Shopping Incentives

Many grocery stores and shopping centres throughout Australia offer discounts, rewards, and shopping points if you shop with reusable shopping bags. These can be part of their promotional campaign or their advocacy towards sustainability, yet small savings will add to a significant amount of money saved over time. 

Bring Your Business To The Attention Of Your Prospects

Reusable Shopping Bags

If you own a business, reusable bags with your business logo and contact details can be effective marketing tools. Customers usually keep these bags for years and carry them along whenever they go shopping. Moreover, the more reusable bags you buy, the lower the price per piece. On your end, as a business owner, it may be a very cost-effective advertisement campaign. 

Have You Switched to Reusable Shopping Bags?

Small changes, such as taking your groceries home using reusable shopping bags benefits the environment in various ways. 

PROMOTIONS247 is your one-stop-shop and leading provider of custom reusable shopping bags in Australia. We live by our mission of contributing to a more sustainable, healthier, and safer place to live—for us and the generations to come. Join us in this mission and shift to using reusable shopping bags. Contact us and learn how you can make a difference.



 Andrea North

Author : Andrea North

Andrea North is a passionate freelance writer based in Sydney. She loves to travel and loves being a tourist in her own city whenever she’s free. Passionate about animals, Andrea loves all creatures great and small.