Cotton Bag Promotions Among Geeks And Nerds May 29, 2020 08:00

When somebody wants to create a better future together then they need to look upon two groups. They are geeks and nerds. Geeks are the ones who track the trends; they are highly creative people who can make something out of nothing. We don’t find them everywhere and we realise their power when someone comes up with strange ideas by researching on the ongoing trends and emerging trends. Yeah, you have spotted one.

Geeks live in an altogether different world. They come with ideas that no one thinks about so far. They are initially harangued but later they take all appreciation for themselves and scoffers will think they should buy cotton tote bags to take away all the credits.

We can also find another group in our midst. They are nerds who never lack admirers. In one sense they are very proud people who have an air of know-all. People although don’t like them, forced to recognise them when their achievements become public and their fan following swells. In a knowledge-driven world, they easily showcase their prowess out of their sheer thinking power. They are all set to conquer.

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Enterprises working overtime for branding should understand the power of geeks and nerds in their marketing efforts. People consider geeks as nuts and those who think on conventional lines may not like the idea of appeasing the geek community because their views will be contrary to the idea of those who are involved in promotions. If you tell them to use custom cotton tote bags they will tell, ‘In the post corona scenario there won’t be nine hours duty. Enterprises will take the service of geeks on an hourly basis.’

They are the ones who will add that the emerging trend machines only will have permanent jobs and why not market your bags among robots? Yeah, they are hard nuts to crack and one should deal them with care.

When geeks behave likewise how to do promotions among them, some marketers may think. Well, a good question, but hold on, there are reasons to do promote bags among them. For that, organisations should stockpile promotional enviro bags wholesale in Australia. Because they are crazy about the environment and they will become torchbearers of any movement that hurts the environment. Because of this stronger reason, companies can assuredly do promotions among the geeks.

Since they foresee the emerging trends, they are of the view that investing in environmentally friendly products like cotton bags, the posterity can have a good life up to 500 billion years. You may wonder how they get that idea. Perhaps from Vladimir Putin who made a statement on when the world will end, ‘after 500 billion years’. It was not because of their keenness to extend the life of this world for billions of years. On the other hand, it is to create awareness about the longevity of the earth in its present form without falling into any imbalance like climate change or earth ravaging bushfires leading to the destruction of flora and fauna of a country like we see in Australia.

Geeks care about humanity, liveability of the earth so that they can produce children and make this land a comfortable place to live in. Don’t misunderstand all geeks think on these lines but part of the geek community does so because they are so passionate, loving, and caring husbands or wives and they want to create some balance on this earth by abetting procreation so that people will buy goods and services.

Again please don’t misunderstand thinking geeks are consumerists. Some geeks think likewise, “when people buy goods and services money will rotate. As a result, there will be economic activities in the State and this will help in poverty alleviation.”

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That means they have some good intention. Their ideas are strange and totally against the selfish motives of people who occupy the organisational hierarchy. They know pretty well they cannot rule the roost. But since their ideas are contrarian ones, many people raise their eyebrows and start listening to them just to hear their views, certainly not to follow them. That is why we should consider them as a community that has the power to trigger an action. It can be a strange idea to buy a product or service. Therefore, do promotions among them and get benefits. High time to procure bulk bags and use them for promotions.

Having settled an affair with the geeks, let us focus on nerds. Nerds behave that the earth is too small for them and they look for opportunities to turn pages with their subject matter expertise. Anyway, a nerd is not a geek who feels he or she could not sleep due to the noise of the earth’s rotation. Nerd, on the other hand, will think how to flatter the Covid curve with the help of promotions, say, giving largesse in cotton shopping bags wholesale in Australia.

Can one make Stephen Hawkins believe that God exists? Certainly not, because he is so assured of the existence of life in other planets and we in the earth are mere coincidences. People who follow him can carry quite a several bags to carry their essentials and move to another planet.

Nerds can create a mass movement like taking the waste of the earth to another planet or we altogether migrate to another planet and keeping this earth as a dumping ground from the other planet we are going to live with the help of rockets. Since they have huge following it makes sense to market your products among them. For that, start with a promotion, preferably with a tote bag.

Yeah, finally organisations can create a future together with the help of geeks and nerds. For that, you should shed your earlier inhibitions and do a tactical promotion, of course with a crazy idea that may not work with the normal people. You can take the help of some gift marketing companies also for funny ideas. Do the best. The world is waiting to hear from you.